World Travel Draw Winners – February 2010

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  1. $3,000.00 Trip to Riu Bachata – Puerto Plata won by Louise Elhatton (Bathurst) sold by Bob Comeau
  2. $500.00 won by Lucie Mallais (Tracadie-Sheila) sold by Mario Mallais
  3. 144.00 won by Mary Jane Dunn (Bathurst) sold by Joan Gionet
  4. $100.00 (Sedona) won by Roger Godin (Bathurst) sold by Cletus Doucet
  5. $100.00 (Fashion Deck) won by Garth McLellan (Bathurst) sold by Adam Chamberlain
  6. $80.00 (Danny’s) won by Chris Baker (Bathurst) sold by Greg Ireland
  7. $75.00 (Atlantic Host) won by Monica & Gordon Dixon (Rosehill) sold By Fenton Hickey
  8. $50.00 (Brasserie St-Pierre)won by  Mona Losier (Bathurst) sold by Bob Comeau

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