World Travel Draw Winners September 2010

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  1. $4,200.00 (Trip to Sandals Regency – St Lucia)  won by Roch Bois (Bathurst) sold by Al Cotton
  2. $500.00 won by Nola Dwyer (North Tetagouche) sold by Al Cotton
  3. $244.00  won by Ronald Hachey (Bathurst) sold by Robert (Bob) Comeau
  4. $125.00 (Sedona) won by Betty Cripps (Bathurst) sold by Al Cotton
  5. $125.00 (Fashion Deck) won by Guy Lefrancois (Edmunston) sold by rederic Lefrancois
  6. $100.00 (Danny’s) won by Jacques Cormier (Labrador city, NL) sold by Joan Gionet
  7. $100.00 (Atlantic Host) won by Kellie McLean (North Tetagouche) sold by Al Cotton
  8. $50.00 (Brasserie St-Pierre) won by Debbie Comeau (Bathurst) sold by Joan Gionet

The Rotary Club of Bathurst Hospitality Days Float

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Congratulations to the Hospitality Days team!  Here is a picture of the Float we had in the Parade.

Bathurst Rotary Hospitality Days Float 2010

Bathurst Rotary Hospitality Days Float 2010

World Travel Draw Winners August 2010

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1st prize : Trip for 2  to Nassau Sandals Royal Bahamian… Melissa & Marc-Andre Pitre, Bathurst

2nd prize : $500 Cash  … Winner is Annie Morrissette, Bathurst

3rd prize : $244  Cash … Winner is David Knowles, Beresford

4th prize : $125 GC Sedona … Winner is Lesa Scott, Clifton

5th prize : $125 GC Captains Cabin .. Winner is Sherri-Savoie McInnis, Rothesay

6th prize : $100 GC  Danny ‘s … Winner is Susan Fortune, Bathurst

7th prize : $100 GC Atlantic Host … Winner is Maurice Godin, Robertville Ouest

8th prize : $50 GC Brasserie … Winner is Renee Pitre South Tetagouche

July 2010 Travel Draw Winners

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Trip to Barbados won by Guy and Nancy Chamberlain sold by Greg Ireland
$500 Cash won by Denis Lavigne sold by Joan Gionet
$244 Cash won by Jack MacKay sold by Bob Comeau
$125 GC from Sedona won by Ron McLellan sold by Bob Comeau
$125 GC from Captain’s Cabin won by Pam and Lisa from Sobey’s sold by Joan Gionet
$100 GC from Danny’s won by Patricia Duffy sold by Al Cotton
$100 GC from Atlantic Host won by Etienne Legacy sold by Jamie Robichaud
$50 GC from Brasserie O’ St. Pierre won by Silvana Bosca and Andy LeBlanc sold by Silvana Bosca

BBQ in the Park 2010!

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The Rotary Club of Bathurst is having their annual BBQ in Park on Saturday, June 5, 2010 as part of Coronation Park’s activity day.

You will find the schedule below:

9:30 am International Trail Day Activity begins at Coronation Park, BHS Parking Lot,
Activities for the whole family, Nordic Walking, Face painting, Run Jump & Throw,
Walking Tours of Park area.

10:50 am 66th Anniversary D-Day Ceremony commences with parade of Veterans from City Hall to Memorial at North end of Coronation Park

11:45 am Barbecue (free) sponsored by Bathurst Rotary Club. Refreshments also available.

12:30 pm Bathurst Community Concert Band- Director Alistair Tulloch

1:45 pm Official Opening of Rotary All Access Playground.

2:00 pm. Shriner’s Parade – departing CN Station and ending at Bathurst High School.

Bring your lawn chair and join us for food, fun and activities all within Coronation Park in Downtown Bathurst.

Hope to see you this year!

Rotary Travel Draw Winners April 2010

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  1. $3,300.00 Trip to Riu Tequila – Riviera Maya won by Natalie Dugas (Bois Blanc) sold by Al Cotton
  2. $500.00 Susan & Mike Kulesza (Bathurst) sold by Susan Kulesza
  3. $244.00 David Doucet (Bathurst) sold by Cletus Doucet
  4. $125.00 (Sedona) Nancy & Harold Lavigne (Bathurst) sold by Joan Gionet
  5. $125.00 (Fashion Deck) Jonathan Godin (Bathurst) sold by Al Cotton
  6. $100.00 (Danny’s) Janice Noel (Bathurst) sold by Joan Gionet
  7. $100.00 (Atlantic Host) Joan & Jessica Gionet (Bathurst) sold by Joan Gionet
  8. $50.00 (Brasserie St-Pierre) Colin & Anne Taylor (Bathurst) sold by Colin Taylor

World Travel Draw Winners – February 2010

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  1. $3,000.00 Trip to Riu Bachata – Puerto Plata won by Louise Elhatton (Bathurst) sold by Bob Comeau
  2. $500.00 won by Lucie Mallais (Tracadie-Sheila) sold by Mario Mallais
  3. 144.00 won by Mary Jane Dunn (Bathurst) sold by Joan Gionet
  4. $100.00 (Sedona) won by Roger Godin (Bathurst) sold by Cletus Doucet
  5. $100.00 (Fashion Deck) won by Garth McLellan (Bathurst) sold by Adam Chamberlain
  6. $80.00 (Danny’s) won by Chris Baker (Bathurst) sold by Greg Ireland
  7. $75.00 (Atlantic Host) won by Monica & Gordon Dixon (Rosehill) sold By Fenton Hickey
  8. $50.00 (Brasserie St-Pierre)won by  Mona Losier (Bathurst) sold by Bob Comeau

First Shelter Boxes arrive in Haiti (Video)

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Here is a video of the Shelter Boxes being unloaded in Haiti.

Our local Interact Club has raised money to purchase 8 Shelter Boxes. The Rotary Club of Bathurst has purchased Shelter Boxes in the past, and, with communication with those on the ground in Haiti, is in the process of deciding where to best put their donations.

Below is another video from Shelter Box’s team the day after the earthquake, which gives more perspective on how these teams operate:

Shelter Boxes in Haiti

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As part of the relief efforts in Haiti, Shelter Box is sending hundreds of boxes to Haiti.  Every box provides shelter for a family of 10 for up to 6 months.

The Rotary Club of Bathurst has purchased, in past few years, a few of the boxes (approximately 1000$/box).

Interested in learning more?  visit