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Mr. Don Kenny, Ms. Audrey Ronalds, and Mr. Lévis Roy and Ms. Audrey Ronalds were all unanimous choices of the selection committee to receive a Paul Harris Fellows Award.
In addition to being made Paul Harris Fellows, a donation of $1,000 (U.S.) will be made in each recipients name to the Rotary Foundation, for a total of $3,000 (U.S.).
A valued member of the Nepisiguit Sports Lodge for close to 30 years, Don Kenny volunteers countless hours each year to allow snowmobilers to get the most out of the winter months by ensuring the trail system is one that residents and visitors alike can be proud of. A long-time leader with the First South Bathurst Scout Troop, he was also a valued coach with the Bathurst Minor Baseball association.
The owner of Épicerie Frenette in Beresford, Lévis Roy is known as much for his community involvement as he is for his smart business sense. Having grown his business from one employee to 40 over the last twenty years, he has also provided generous support to schools throughout the Chaleur Region; youth hockey, baseball and soccer programs; ATV and snowmobile clubs in the region; and has been a strong supporter of the Jeux de l’Acadie/Acadian Games.
A tireless volunteer, Audrey Ronalds devotes her time to helping youth, seniors, veterans and the less fortunate in our community. Her many initiatives include the Literacy Bridges Reading Program, Robert L. Knowles Veterans Unit Visit A Hero Program and a Provincial Artisan and Craft Exposition. She also sits on the board of directors for the New Brunswick Association of Community Living, is the Provincial Chairperson for the Breakfast for Learning, a committee member of the District Health Advisory Council and is the chairperson of the Bathurst Rotary Club’s Literacy Committee.
Established in 1957 the award, named for the founder of Rotary International, honours individuals who have made substantial contributions to humanitarian and educational causes while being leaders in community service.
This year’s guest speaker was Nancy McKay.
Founded in 1905 the Rotary Club has grown to become the largest service club in the world. This year’s Paul Harris Award winners will be joining distinguished ranks. Mother Theresa, Prince Philip, Ronald Reagan and Clint Eastwood are among those who have also received the honor.
Rotary International is the world’s first service club organization. Made up of more than 32,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas throughout the world, its more than 1.2 million members volunteer their time and talent to further the Rotary motto, Service Above Self.
In addition to supporting Rotary projects throughout the world, the Rotary Club of Bathurst has been instrumental in developing the all-access City of Bathurst Rotary Children’s Playground in Coronation Park, purchased the Rotary Venture Van, developed the Bathurst Volunteer Centre, and provided funds to help purchase a wheelchair ramp and an elevator for the Bathurst Aquatic Centre and an elevator for Holy Family Church. Proud supporters of the Chaleur Regional Hospital Foundation and the B. E. S. T. group, the Bathurst Rotary Club also contributes to safe grad at Bathurst High School, provides scholarships for students at BHS and École Secondaire Nepisiguit, sends a local student to the nation’s capital each year as part of the Adventures in Citizenship program, supports the Bathurst Area School Milk Fund, local school playgrounds and school libraries.