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Rotarians taking calls and updating the bids on the boards.
Last weekend, the Rotary Club of Bathurst helds its annual Radio Auction. Broadcast on MAX 104.9, the Radio Auction raises funds every year for various causes. This year, profits go to the Ideal Center.
Rotarians and Interact members keeping the books up to date.
Over the past two months, Rotarians canvassed local businesses for products to place into the auction. A list is published online and in the newspapers. Bidders call in to our multiple phone lines. This year, despite the economic environment, the total value of the prizes in the Auction was at its highest ever.
Our Announcers broadcasting the Auction
This year, we are proud to say that the Radio Auction has raised over 12 000$.
Thank you to all those who participated. Stay tuned for next year’s auction, which we promise will be better than ever!
Rotarians taking bids and keeping track of winners.