Guest Speaker Nina Guitard – Facilitator Chronic Pain Association of Canada

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GUEST SPEAKER: Nina Guitard: Facilitator, Chronic Pain Association of Canada

Nina spoke on chronic pain, pain that lasts longer than six months, an invisible ailment that is often mismanaged and misdiagnosed. She noted that 20% of Canadians and 22% of Maritimers have to endure chronic pain daily. She discussed all the physical, mental and emotional effects of chronic pain and possible management techniques. Nina stated that the most frustrating part of coping with chronic pain is the lack of understanding and support from family, friends and medical staff. Nina also guides English and French support groups for chronic pain suffers. These meetings are held at Sobeys. The next English support group is scheduled for September if numbers warrant. Contact Nina at 548-1082.

IMG_2359Shown with Peter Assaff

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