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The Group Study Exchange (GSE), is a delegation of 5 persons (4 non-Rotarian young professionals and 1 Rotarian leader). The GWE program of the Rotary Foundation of Rotary International is a unique cultural and vocational exchange opportunity for young business and professional men and women between the ages of 25 and 40 in the initial years of their professional life. The program provides travel grants for teams of participants to exchange visits between paired areas in different countries. For four to six weeks, team members study the host country’s institutions and ways of life, observe their own vocations as practiced abroad, develop personal and professional relationships, and exchange ideas. Team members can come from corporations, small businesses, community organizations, medical and educational facilities, government offices, and non-profit agencies.
This year’s GSE team was from District 3030 in India. Local Rotarians hosted the delegates in their homes, entertained them locally, enjoyed their speeches and knowledge from back home, and ensured they went away with an increased knowledge. Thanks to all who supported this endeavour.