Congratulations to the 2014 Rotary Scholarship WInners

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Hello Rotarians,

The Rotary Scholarship committee has chosen the following 3 scholarship recipients for 2014


$500 BHS Rotary Scholarship:   Alexandra Erb  (930 Sycamore Avenue, Bathurst)


$500 ESN Rotary Scholarship:   Jean-Philippe Savoie  (440  Route 160, Allardville)


$500 “Morley Foran”  Rotary Scholarship:  Adam Kenny  (25 Basin Road, Bathurst)


These recipients have been chosen based on the following criteria:

1)      Academic achievement

2)      Enrolled in post-secondary studies

3)      Community involvement

4)      Extra-curricular activities

For the “Morley Foran” Rotary scholarship, we were also looking for somebody who has shown entrepreneurial skills or ambitions.


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