Category Archives: Club Service

The Rotary Club of Bathurst Hospitality Days Float

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Congratulations to the Hospitality Days team!  Here is a picture of the Float we had in the Parade.

Bathurst Rotary Hospitality Days Float 2010

Bathurst Rotary Hospitality Days Float 2010

Welcome Bathurst Rotary Club’s Newest Member Danielle Gaudet

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From left to right: Jennifer Henry, Danielle Gaudet and Loftus Benjamin

From left to right: Jennifer Henry, Danielle Gaudet and Loftus Benjamin

The Rotary Club of Bathurst is proud to welcome our latest member, Danielle Gaudet.  Her sponsor was Jennifer Henry.  Danielle is currently the general manager for the Greater Bathurst Chamber of Commerce.

District Governor Gordon Dempsey visits Bathurst

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Rotary Club of Bathurst President Bob Comeau is presented with a banner from District 7810 Governor Gordon Dempsey

Rotary Club of Bathurst President Bob Comeau is presented with a banner from District 7810 Governor Gordon Dempsey

Gordon Dempsey, Governor of Rotary District 7810, visited the Rotary club of Bathurst this past monday.  His message was particularly marked with call to increase membership, locally as well as internationally.

The Rotary Club of Bathurst is contributing to this goal by spearheading the founding of a new club in the Tracadie-Sheila area.