Category Archives: Club Service

Rotary Sign Part of Bathurst Parades and Events

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Bathurst Rotarians were hard at work designing, building, painting and now transporting the one-of-a-kind Rotary Wheel displayed at public functions.  It made it’s debut in a Hospitality Days Parade and will be on display at all future parades and local events.  This year’s hospitality days had Rotarians on hand giving our Freezies to children.  Next parade is Labor Day – Good job guys and girls….

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August is Membership Growth Month

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543797_10152101184479552_215617157_a  If a Rotary Member contacts you to consider becoming a member….consider becoming a member….

August is Membership Growth Month

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Everything must grow or it dies…..including organizations!

August is Membership Growth month.  We should be constantly looking to reach out and integrate new members to fulfill our mandate of “Service Above Self”.  Anyone with potential new members in mind should contact Sharon to get a membership recruitment form.

Members come in many forms – those that attend regular meetings and support our cause, those that participate in the various fundraising activities, those that participate in official roles, etc….

More information is always available on our website, as well as the district website and Rotary International.

Register for District Conference

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See attached registration forms if interested – deadline is September 12.

Dear ALL Rotary Club Members

District Governor Pat Perry and her fellow Newcastle Rotarians invite you to attend the Rotary District 7810 Conference, September 27 – 29 in Miramichi.  We have an exciting agenda planned with lots of opportunity to learn more about Rotary from a district and international perspective.  There are also some fellowship activities to take part in including a golf tournament and “Rotary’s Got Talent” evening.
This information and registration forms, may also be found on both District web locations.


Terry W. MacDonald

Rotary District 7810



District Conference Information Update

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Please follow the attached link to find out information about this Fall’s District Conference in Miramichi.  Included is agenda, times, where to stay, prices, and much more.

If you are having difficulty connecting to the hyperlink, simply cut and paste it to your browser.

Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) Opportunity

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Pat Perry is organizing a Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) training session in the Miramichi in the Fall 2013.  The session will be run on a Saturday (Date to be determined).  A minimum of 20 Rotarians  are required – to date, Carmel has received 6 names.  Anyone potentially interested, please advise Carmel so the session can be organized.  There will be no hotel cost – the Rotary Club pays the RLI fee.

Local Veterans Attend Rotary Luncheon

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Bathurst Rotary holds weekly Monday meetings at the Atlantic Host  with a chairperson  and guest speakers or visitors.  April 22 was no exception with a group of Bathurst War Veterans in attendance.  What a wonderful group of visitors to the luncheon.  In the photos attached are chairperson Rotarian Fenton Hickey, President Carmel Hickey, Sargent at Arms Carl Kenny, volunteer Ronald Pentland, and special guests Jacques Asselin, Sinclair Morrison, and Roger Benoit and other guests.   Thank-you for your visit and special praise for your contributions to world peace efforts.


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Message from the Rotary International President 2013 – 2014

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There’s a lot that’s different about Rotary today.  But the foundation that Rotary is built on hasn’t changed.  Rotary is based, as it’s always been, on our core values: service, fellowship, diversity, integrity and leadership.
The Four Way test:
1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
Everyone of us in Rotary is here because we were invited, and because we made a choice to accept that invitation, to get involved and to make a difference.
In the 2013-14 Rotary year, our theme and my challenge to you, will be ENGAGE ROTARY, CHANGE LIVES.
You’ve chosen to wear the Rotary pin.  The rest is up to you
Ron D. Burton
2013-14 RI President

Bathurst Rotary Welcomes Newest Member

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Rotary 2012
Susan Stever is a Bathurst native and resident.  Working at Xstrata Zinc, Brunswick Smelter as the Occupational Health Nurse and Supervisor since 1994, she has raised a family and held several volunteer positions in the area, provincially, and across Canada.  This includes roles on health and safety professional boards, as volunteer and official for the BLAST Swim Team and Swim NB, various roles  on the Parkwood Heights Home and School executive, and several other community volunteer positions.

District Governor John Carkner visits Bathurst

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The Bathurst Rotary Club was pleased to welcome their District Governor, John Carkner,  and the Assistant District Governor, Nancy Theriault, to their Monday noon meeting at the Atlantic Host today (Monday October 18th, 2010). District 7810 is made up of 39 Rotary Clubs throughout New Brunswick, Canada (28)  and Maine, USA (11)

District Governor, John Carkner, born and raised in Ottawa, Ontario met his wife, Marilyn, in 1975, and they were married in 1976. She works at UNB in Adult Education. They have 2 daughters, Jennifer and Meaghan, born in Cornwall, Ontario in 1979 (31) and 1982 (28).

John joined Sears Canada in 1967 and worked there 38 years and 2 days, retiring in 2005. John advanced in the Company and opened new stores in Cornwall, Ont, Dartmouth and Halifax, NS, and Bathurst, NB. His final move was to Fredericton, NB in 1993. Self professed golf hackers, John & Marilyn, play the game of golf for fun. They enjoy various bottles of wine and have a modest wine cellar.

John was sponsored into Rotary by Evan Moffitt of the Bathurst Rotary Club in 1990. He joined the Fredericton Sunrise Club when he transferred there in 1993. Just like in his work experiences, John held many positions within his Rotary Club (Committee Chairs to Treasurer and Club President). He served as an aide to the representative of the President of Rotary International at the District Conference in Oromocto in 2007. He also served as Assistant to the District Governor from 2006 until nominated to be District Governor in August 2008.

John’s belief and personal motto is “to leave it better than you found it and have some fun along the way” He has found that Rotary permits him to accomplish this on a much larger scale than it would be possible individually. He spoke to the Bathurst Rotarians and guests about the importance of inclusion and increasing their membership while congratulating the Club in their 26% increase (12 new members last year) which was the best in the entire 7810 District.

District Governor Carkner also spoke of the 4 methods to contribute to the Rotary Foundation so that dollars are returned to our District for various projects. He encouraged us to promote ourselves more because the Bathurst Club has been used as a role model for various initiatives like Interact, the Community BBQ, supporting the Weekend of Thanks for the Chaleur Regional Hospital and the up-coming Radio Auction.