Rotary Community Garden Expanding

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Just a quick update about the Rotary Community Garden. We had a great day yesterday with the best turnout yet working at the garden. Thanks to Cletus for arranging the delivery of crushed rock that was donated by St Isidore Asphalt. With the help of Brent Stever operating Bruce’s tractor, Bruce, Bruce’s son Gabo, Lloyd, Ron, Gerry, Paul, Irenee’s brother Gilles and of course our master gardener Irenee; we managed to get the job done. A big thank for the hard work of all of those who participated; and I know many of you would have been there if it wasn’t for work commitments.
Hats off to Lina Hebert, a local senior who came out and raked and shoveled just like a young kid.  By the way, her mother is 106 years old, so we should be good for a while. The garden is looking fabulous and will be ready to double next year’s crop.
Another big thank you to Calvin Scott from Scotts Nursery who dropped by and told us he will be donating to the club all our tomato plants, cucumbers and various seeds for next year. He will also be ordering two flowering crab apple trees from which we can produce crab apple jelly.  These trees will be planted this fall.
Kudos to Gerry Legere’s wife Diane who made 24 bottles of chow with our left over green tomatoes and onion, and dropped them off at the Foodbank, very thoughtful !
That’s it for now folks; and again thanks to everyone who helped make this very worth while project a reality !

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